the girl with an almond eyes
the girl with an almond eyes is broken.
the girl with an almond eyes is empty.
the girl with an almond eyes is crying.
broken. empty. crying.
all with the heart of death.
the girl with an almond eyes is smiling.
the girl with an almond eyes is laughing.
the girl with an almond eyes is singing.
smiling. laughing. singing.
all with the lips of joy.
the girl with an almond eyes is alone.
the girl with an almond eyes is forlorn.
the girl with an almond eyes is sad.
alone. forlorn. sad.
all with the eyes of terror.
death is approaching, all that she waited.
death is coming ready to grab her.
death cannot be stopped, for she yields with love.
I'm On mY wAy..
16 years ago
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